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Proving Faulty Equipment and Inaccurate Readings

Mark Scott

Similarly, your attorney will also scrutinize the breathalyzer results. They will investigate whether the breathalyzer device used to determine your BAC was properly calibrated and maintained. Any deviations from the manufacturer's guidelines or failures in regular maintenance could call into question the accuracy of the readings. Additionally, your attorney may explore whether any external factors, such as mouth alcohol contamination or medical conditions, could have influenced the breathalyzer results. By challenging the sobriety tests and breathalyzer results, you and your attorney aim to introduce reasonable doubt in the prosecution's case.

Casting doubt on the reliability and accuracy of these tests can create a strong argument in your defense. In the next section, we will explore another avenue for defense: proving faulty equipment and inaccurate readings. This strategy delves into whether the breathalyzer device used in your case was faulty or produced inaccurate readings. By examining the maintenance records, your attorney can determine if the device was calibrated properly and adhered to the manufacturer's guidelines. Even minor deviations from these guidelines could raise doubts about the validity of the results.

In addition to scrutinizing the maintenance and calibration history, your attorney may also investigate whether the breathalyzer device used was approved by the appropriate regulatory authorities. In Texas, breathalyzer devices must be approved by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS). If the device used in your case was not properly approved or certified, it could undermine the prosecution's evidence.

Another aspect your attorney may explore is the qualifications and training of the law enforcement officer who administered the breathalyzer test. They may look into whether the officer followed the correct procedures and protocols while conducting the test. Any deviation from the established guidelines could be used to challenge the accuracy and reliability of the results.

Proving faulty equipment and inaccurate readings is a critical part of your defense strategy. By highlighting any irregularities or potential errors in the breathalyzer testing process, your attorney aims to undermine the credibility of the prosecution's evidence. However, this is just one avenue for defense. In the next section, we will explore another important aspect: casting doubt on police procedures and arrest techniques.,

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