Crimes and Levels of Offense
Murder - First Degree Felony
Manslaughter - Second Degree Felony
Criminally Negligent Homicide - State Jail Felony
Aggravated Assault - Second Degree Felony or First Degree Felony (if a deadly
weapon is used)
Assault - Class A Misdemeanor or Third Degree Felony (if against a public
Sexual Assault - Second Degree Felony
Aggravated Sexual Assault - First Degree Felony
Theft - Varies from Class C Misdemeanor to First Degree Felony (depending on
the value of the stolen property)
Burglary - State Jail Felony, Third Degree Felony, or Second Degree Felony
(depending on the circumstances)
Robbery - Second Degree Felony
Aggravated Robbery - First Degree Felony
Arson - State Jail Felony, Second Degree Felony, or First Degree Felony
(depending on the circumstances)
Kidnapping - Third Degree Felony
Aggravated Kidnapping - First Degree Felony
Drug Possession - Varies from Class B Misdemeanor to First Degree Felony
(depending on the type and amount of drug)
Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) - Varies from Class B Misdemeanor to Felony
(depending on the number of offenses and other factors)
Public Intoxication - Class C Misdemeanor
Prostitution - Class B Misdemeanor, Class A Misdemeanor, or State Jail Felony
(depending on the circumstances)
Human Trafficking - Second Degree Felony or First Degree Felony (depending
on the circumstances)
Offenses in Article 42A.054 of the Texas Penal Code
Murder (Section 19.02)
Capital Murder (Section 19.03)
Indecency with a Child (Section 21.11(a)(1))
Aggravated Kidnapping (Section 20.04)
Aggravated Sexual Assault (Section 22.021)
Sexual Assault (Section 22.011)